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If you’re considering a thigh lift, you’re not alone. This popular plastic surgery procedure is performed on thousands of people each year to help them improve the appearance and shape of their thighs. But what exactly is a thigh lift, and what should you know before you undergo the procedure? In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about thigh lifts: costs, risks, and benefits.

What is a thigh lift?

before and after thigh lift surgeryThigh lift surgery, widely known as thighplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure used to reduce excess skin and fat in the thighs. By removing the extra fat and skin, the thighs can be reshaped to look firmer and more toned.

The surgeon will make an incision along the inner or outer part of your thigh and then remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened, resulting in a more contoured thigh appearance.

Why should one get a thigh lift?

A thigh lift can help improve the appearance of your legs and make them look more toned and attractive. It can also be used to reduce sagging skin, which may occur as a result of aging or dramatic weight loss. A thigh lift can also improve the overall shape of your thighs and give you improved self-confidence in wearing shorts, skirts, and other clothing.

What is the average cost of a thigh lift?

The cost of a thigh lift can vary depending on the extent of surgery required, your geographic location, and the surgeon’s fees. Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anywhere between $5,000 – $10,000 for the procedure. Costs may also include anesthesia fees and other associated costs.

The final cost of your thigh lift procedure should be discussed with your surgeon prior to the procedure so that you can make an informed decision.

How do I select a plastic surgeon for thigh lift surgery?

thigh lift female plastic surgeonWhen choosing a plastic surgeon for thigh lift surgery, it is important to select one who is board certified and has experience with this type of procedure. You should also make sure that the surgeon is familiar with the latest techniques in thigh plastic surgery and can provide before-and-after photos from past patients.

Most importantly, you should find a surgeon you trust and feel comfortable with. Dr. Bret Johnson of Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute offers the best plastic surgery services and procedures in Dallas and Plano, Texas.

Why should I choose my plastic surgeon carefully?

A thigh lift can help you improve the appearance of your legs and enhance your body contours. It is important to understand the risks, costs, and results associated with this procedure before making a decision. By choosing an experienced plastic surgeon, you can ensure that you get the best results possible.

Different Types of Thigh Lifts

There are actually several types of thigh lifts, depending on the type of incision and area that needs to be treated. These include:

Inner (medial) thigh lift

An incision is made in the inner thigh then excess skin is removed. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened for a more contoured appearance.

Outer (lateral) thigh lift

This type of thigh lift is used to treat the outer part of your thighs. An incision is made in the outer thigh to remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened to improve the appearance of your thighs.

Outer (bilateral) thigh lift

This type of thigh lift is used to treat both the left and right outer thighs. An incision is made in the outer thigh to remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened to improve the appearance of your thighs.

Circumferential (complete) thigh lift

This type of thigh lift is used to treat both the inner and outer parts of your thigh. An incision around the thigh is used to remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened to give you a more contoured look.

Vertical thigh lift

This type of thigh lift is used to remove excess skin in the middle of the thigh. An incision will be made vertically down the thigh then excess skin will be removed. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened for a more toned appearance.

Mini thigh lift

This type of thigh lift is used to treat just the upper inner thighs. An incision is made in the upper part of the inner thigh then excess skin and fat are removed. The remaining skin will be pulled up and tightened for a more toned appearance.

Lift with liposuction

This type of thigh lift combines liposuction with a traditional thigh lift. An incision is used to remove excess skin and fat, and the remaining skin is pulled up and tightened. Moreover, liposuction will be used to further refine the contours of your thighs.

What should I expect during a consultation for thigh lift surgery?

Patient on consultation with a plastic surgeonDuring a consultation for thigh lift surgery, your surgeon will assess the area that needs to be treated and discuss your goals for the procedure. They will also take into consideration factors such as skin elasticity, body type, and medical history before determining which type of thigh lift is best suited for you.

Your surgeon may also suggest combining a thigh lift with other procedures, such as liposuction, in order to achieve better results.

What should I ask my plastic surgeon about thigh lift surgery?

Before undergoing a thigh lift, it is important to ask your plastic surgeon some questions in order to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. You should inquire about the type of incision they will use, how long the surgery will take, what type of scarring can be expected, and what potential risks or complications are associated with the procedure.

In addition, it is important to discuss the cost of thigh lift surgery so that you have a better understanding of what to expect financially.

What are the risks of a thigh lift surgery?

As with any surgery, thigh lift surgery does come with some risks. These risks include infection, excessive bleeding, visible scars, nerve damage, and uneven results. It is important to discuss all of these potential risks with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure so that you can make an informed decision.

What should I do to be ready for my thigh lift procedure?

Before undergoing thigh lift surgery, it is important to take certain steps in order to ensure the best possible outcome. This includes avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol for at least two weeks prior to the procedure, getting a full physical exam from your doctor, and following all pre-operative instructions provided by your surgeon.

Additionally, you should make sure that someone is available to drive you home after surgery.

What steps are made during a thigh lift procedure?

Thigh lift procedures or thighplasties typically have around six steps. More or less the procedure will involve:

Step 1: Anesthesia

Before undergoing thigh lift surgery, you will receive anesthesia in order to make the procedure more comfortable. This can include local anesthesia to numb just the area being operated on or general anesthesia which puts you into a deep sleep during the procedure.

Step 2: Incisions

Your surgeon will make incisions based on the type of thigh lift you are having. These incisions may be horizontal, vertical, or a combination of both depending on your individual needs and goals.

Step 3: Excess skin removal

The excess skin will be removed through the incision. This can include removing fat deposits with liposuction if desired.

Step 4: Closing the incisions

The incisions will be closed with sutures and bandages. Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to care for the area while it heals.

Step 5: See the results

Once your thigh lift is complete, you will be able to see the results of the procedure. You may notice that your legs look slimmer and more toned with improved contours.

Step 6: Follow-up appointments

Once your thigh lift procedure is complete, you may need to attend follow-up appointments with your doctor in order to monitor your recovery.

What can I expect throughout my thigh lift recuperation period?

Cropped image side view of a beautiful young woman after thigh lift surgeryDuring your thigh lift recovery, you can expect to experience some swelling and bruising in the treated area. You may also experience some discomfort which can be managed with medication prescribed by your doctor. It is important to keep the incision sites clean and dry to prevent infection. Furthermore, it is important to follow any instructions given by your surgeon for the best results.

What results should I expect after my thigh lift surgery?

After thigh lift surgery, you should expect to have improved contours in the thigh area. Your legs may look slimmer and more toned following your procedure. Results can vary from person to person depending on their individual needs and goals for the surgery.

Get Your Dream Thighs Today

Thigh lift surgery is a major decision, so it is important to understand all aspects of the procedure before committing to it. It is also important to discuss any potential risks with your surgeon so that you can make an informed decision.

The average cost of a thigh lift is typically between $5,000 – $10,000, but this can vary depending on your individual needs and goals. By selecting an experienced plastic surgeon, you can ensure that you get the desired results from your procedure.

Do you have any questions about thigh lift surgery? Get in touch with the Bret Johnson, MD team today for more information. We look forward to helping you get the body you desire.

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